Your Org
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Last updated
After you click 'Add Dealership' use the Google places integration to search for it's name, select it and use the click the button to the right to populate the form.
You can add multiple brands to match how you structure each location. Independent dealership's use 'Independent' for the brand.
Your new and used sales should just be an average of the last 12 months. You can update this at any time and is used in benchmarking your vendor spend versus other dealerships.
As an admin, you don't have to manage usernames or passwords. After you click 'Add User' chose the location you want to assign them to.
All users need 1 location minimum at first use this to create their account.
After they login the application will send you a notification. Now you can grant them access to more locations and if needed the group. You can also determine what permission level they need. Use the 3 dots on the right to edit their settings.
Admins can do everything and users have a few more restrictions around adding/canceling vendors as well as changing your organization. More on that here: permissions